
Matte Paiting

Matte Painting


Ovaj kurs je namenjen svima koji žele da steknu osnovna znanja iz oblasti Matte Painting-a, umetničke tehnike koja se često koristi u filmskoj industriji za stvaranje fantastičnih vizuelnih efekata.

Tokom kursa, istraživaćemo osnovne principe Matte Painting-a, učiti o alatima i tehnologijama koje se koriste u ovoj oblasti, i pružiti vam priliku da razvijate svoje veštine kroz praktične vežbe. Bez obzira da li ste početnik ili već imate određeno iskustvo, ovaj kurs će vam pomoći da proširite svoje znanje i stvarate fascinantne digitalne pejzaže.


Kurs će se održavati ONLINE, preko Zoom platforme, potpuno je interaktivan, grupe su male i insistira se na praktičnom radu u komunikaciji sa predavačem.


Week 1: Introduction to Matte Painting Techniques 

Lesson 1 

History of matte painting in film (theory and examples) 

Contemporary applications of matte painting in VFX industry (theory and examples) 

Overview of matte painting techniques (theory and examples) 

Homework: Selection of relevant references 

Lesson 2 

Homework review and discussion 

Concept art and matte painting (theory and examples) 

Usage of pen, formats and pipeline (practice) 

Week 2: Blocking for Environment & Introduction to Perspective 


References: How to find the right references (preparing for exercise) 

Blocking techniques (demonstration by professor) 

Perspective: How to make right perspective for your matte painting composition Types of perspectives in visual art 

Lesson 4 

Exercise 1: speed matte painting using basic knowledge (practice) 

Goal for exercise: practical application of perspective and blocking 

Review and feedback discussion 

Week 3: Photos Manipulating 

Lesson 5 

Research & collection of material for the next exercise 

Manipulating with photos (practice and demonstration) 

Smart objects, masking & blending techniques (practice and demonstration) 

Lesson 6 

Masking (demonstration by professor and practise) 

Exercise 2: adding and removing sky (practice) 

Week 4: Color Correction & Free Hand Painting 

Lesson 7 

Matching photos & blending (demonstrations by professor) 

Exercise 3: adjustment layers; objects blending & color corrections 

lesson 8 

Free hand painting and tuning (demonstration and practice) 

Exercise 4: adding new content to composition by free hand painting (practice) 

Week 5: Real Footage Exercise 

lesson 11 

Exercise 5: Extending format (adding new content) 

Clean-up (demonstration and exemples) 

Exercise 6: Removing unwanted object from footage (practice) 

Lesson 12 

Separation by plans & discussion about camera projection Exercise 7: separation of layers by plans (practice) 

Naming, formats, exporting and saving 

Week 6: Concept Art & Matte Painting 

Lesson 9 


From concept art to matte painting (discussion and examples) Exercise 8: Speed photobashing 

Homework: concept art selection for the final work 

Lesson 10 

Discussion about chosen concept art 

Starting with final matte painting: format preparation & concept art application (practise) 

Homework: selection of right references for final matte painting 

Week 7: Working on Final Matte Painting 

Lesson 13 

Discussion about references 

Upgrade of concept art by matte painting techniques with professor feedback 


Lesson 14 

Working on final matte painting (practice) 

Discussion and review 

Week 8: Final Tuning Atmosphere & Grading 


Students work on their final matte painting 

Exercise 9: making atmosphere – adding fog in composition 

Feedback and review 


Finishing final work (practice) 

Preparing a presentation or portfolio of the final matte painting work 

matte- paiting-marija


Umetnik sa desetogodišnjim iskustvom u VFX industriji. Kao Matte Painter i Texture Artist, kreirala je brojne fotorealistične scene za filmove i TV serije, kao i fantastične kinematografske sekvence za video igre.

Dosadašnje iskustvo gradila je u kompanijama: Bunker VFX Studio – Senior Matte Painter and Texture Artist, Fried Studio – Matte Painting Artist, Crater Studio – Matte Painting Artist, Cinnamon Films – Production Assistant.

📽️ FILM: Muhammad: The Messenger of God, On the Milky Road, Leverage: Redemption, Besa #2, The King’s Daughter.

🎮 Game Cinematics: Domi Online, Dawn of Titans, Phageborn, Summoners War, Plants Vs Zombies Heroes.

POČETAK: upis u toku





640EUR  ili 2 X 330EUR

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